Olivia's dad 11th September 2012

Losing A Child © David White. It’s hard to accept losing a child Why wasn’t it me Life is too short as it is I don’t agree that it's our destiny Each day we continue on with our daily tasks Coping until there is a reminder Of their birthday or first date Why do I ponder Leaning on people is not my fancy Although tormenting myself is a sin I hope a day will come, in time I can hurdle my grief from within When you grieve the loss of a child It’s not in the natural order of things For a child to die before his/her parents The nightmare never ends, it’s not dwindling As the reality of the death settles in Intense anger at the thought Deep anguish that the loss is “forever” God help me with the peace I have sought The grief may intensify with time Although my friends say it never ends Lost to the grim specter of death They lost a part of themselves, they lost a friend! © Copyright 2012 David White. Dedicated to Olivia